E-INVOICING EXCHANGE SUMMIT - Miami, March 24 - 26, 2025

To shape the future agenda, we welcome your suggestions for presentations.
Take advantage of firsthand experiences, receive regulatory updates, and seize networking opportunities, register now.
If you are interested in becoming a partner for the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit, please reach out to Alexandra Bayer
Stay up-to-date with the latest program developments by subscribing to our newsletter.


09:00 - 10:00
Workshop Registration and Welcome Tea & Coffee

10:00 - 13:00

GENA Workshop

GENA Academy Essentials: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About E-Invoicing, but Were Afraid to Ask

Delve into the enigmatic world of E-Invoicing, where seemingly humble administrative documents wield unparalleled influence. This session will unravel the complexities of E-Invoicing, covering essential topics including:

+ Terms and Abbreviations: Decipher the jargon and acronyms.
+ E-Invoicing as a Business Process: Explore how E-Invoicing transcends mere paperwork to become a cornerstone of modern business operations.
+ Why Small Businesses are the Elephant in the Room: they aren't at the table, yet they dominate the debate.
+ Why Governments Care (A Lot): Understand why tax and other regulators simply cannot leave the invoice alone.
+ Supporting Characters: Meet the other crucial actors that contribute to the E-Invoicing ecosystem.
+ Models and Frameworks: Discover the diverse array of business and regulatory models and frameworks that shape E-Invoicing.
+ Regional, Sectoral, and Cultural Differences: how regional, sectoral, and cultural factors influence its implementation and adoption.
+ Global interoperability: The GENA/Peppol incubation project

Christiaan van der Valk Vice Chair and Richard Luthardt Board Member German Chapter,
GENA - Global Exchange Network Association, Belgium

13:00 - 14:00
GENA Academy Lunch and Networking

13:30 - 14:00
Registration DBNA Meeting

14:00 - 16:30

DBNA Meeting

Face to Face Meet-Up with the DBNAlliance

Join us at the DBNAlliance Face to Face Member Meeting, open for Members and those interested to join, come and see what the DBNAlliance is doing to introduce the B2B Highway for North America. 
All participants of the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Miami are invited to join this workshop free of charge. This meeting will cover:

+ Current status of DBNAlliance membership
+ Introducing Global identifiers 
+ DBNAlliance market approach
+ How to use the framework (certificates, document profiles, AS4 configuration)
+ Demo of the use of the framework

Dolf Kars Chair, Alex Baulf Membership & Market adoption committee, Mickle Foretic Membership & Market adoption committee, Nikkie Bakker Marketing, Eugene Soloviov Chair Technical committee, Janusz Smilek Policy committee, DBNAlliance

17:00 - 20:00


Your networking experience starts right here. All participants and speakers are invited to attend the Icebreaker Reception and to pick up their badges for the two conference days.

Conference day 1 - March 25, 2025

08:30 - 09:25
Registration and Welcome Coffee in the Exhibition

09:25 - 09:30

Welcome and Opening

Alexandra Bayer E-Invoicing Exchange Summit

09:30 - 10:00

Streamline your Processes to Accelerate Progress

This presentation will focus on how companies can strategically streamline their processes to drive progress and minimize disruptions. It will explore the challenges of transitioning to E-Invoicing and the importance of taking a holistic yet country-specific approach to implementation.
Key Takeaways:
+ Adopt a strategic approach to E-Invoicing to streamline operations and avoid disruptions
+ Simplify country-specific complexities with a clear, efficient implementation plan
+ Overcome adoption challenges to accelerate progress and realize long-term efficiencies


Gunjan Tripathi Director Solutions Marketing and Sal Visca Chief Technology Officer, Vertex

10:00 - 10:30

Case Study

A Consolidated Platform for Global E-Invoicing and Statutory Reporting Needs

+ History of E-Invoicing at NuSkin
- Why do we need a global platform to manage global E-Invoicing needs. 
- Complexities of multiple markets on multiple continents.

+ Challenges NuSkin faced in handling of E-Invoicing and statutory reporting
- Complexities of in-house solutions
- One team supporting mulitiple countries

+ Benefits of one platform

+ Business Process Optimization: How we centralized compliance processes from electornic invoices with continuous submissions of statutory reporting to enable traceability of business transactions

Terry Blackwell Business Integration Manager, NuSkin

10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break and Exhibition

11:00 - 11:30

Tax Complexity in the US and Canada - One of the Key Challenges to E-Invoicing Adoption Across North America

Alex Baulf Vice President, Global Indirect Tax & E-Invoicing, Avalara​​​​​​

11:30 - 12:00

The Power of Openness in E-Invoicing

Erik Modh Director, Strategy and Sales Execution, Pagero - North America

12:00 - 13:30
Lunch Break and Exhibition

13:30 - 14:15


Opportunity of the Century: AI

+ Interactive Keynote on Artificial Intelligence
+ Updates from Silicon Valley
+ Applications in Business
+ Social Implications
+ Encouraging Courage Over Fear
+ What does being human mean in the Age of AI?

Bilal Zafar

14:15 - 15:00


Discuss the most pressing business-relevant topics with your peers and gain valuable information.
More roundtables to be published soon.

1. The Impact of Real-Time E-Invoicing on Traditional Tax Reporting Today vs. What the Future Entails

Ashwini T G Senior Product Manager, SAP

2. ESG Reporting Requirements in the Digital Supply Chain

Mimi Stansbury CEO, OFS Portal

3. E-Invoicing B2B Mandat and E-Reporting in Germany

Andreas Killinger Working Group International, E-Invoice Alliance Germany (VeR) and 
Richard Luthardt Board Member German Chapter, GENA - Global Exchange Network Association
Watch video message

4. How to Promote Market Adoption of E-Invoicing

Todd Albers Senior Payments Consultant Payments, Standards and Outreach Group, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

15:00 - 15:45
Coffee Break and Exhibition

15:45 - 16:15

Case Study

E-Invoicing Benefits and Challenges in a Multinational Company

+ Sefar overview
+ Current subsidiaries working with E-Invoice and in future
+ Cost – Benefits of E-Documents
+ Is it an expense or an investment?
+ Regulations rule!
+ Technical advantages

Luis Alejandro Bahena Cuevas Team Leader GSD Americas, Sefar

16:15 - 16:45

DBNAlliance Goes Global: The DBNAlliance Open Exchange Networks Set-up for B2B and B2G Document Exchange in North America

+ The DBNAlliance Open Exchange Framework 
+ Targets for 2025
+ Global coverage and interoperability

Dolf Kars Chair, DBNAlliance

16:45 - 17:15

Case Study

E-Invoicing Business to Government (B2G) Deployment

+ Overview of Business-to-Government (B2G)
+ Challenges and Risks of Business-to-Government (B2G)
+ Key Deliverables and Standardized Approach
+ Key Takeaways

Miledy Paris eCommerce Manager, Opportunity To Cash and Steven Batten eCommerce Supervisor, Opportunity to Cash, Halliburton
Watch video message

17:15 - 18:00
Networking in the Exhibition

18:00 - 22:00

Networking Dinner

All participants and speakers are invited to enjoy dinner and refreshments in a casual atmosphere. Use this perfect opportunity to intensify your business contacts and grow your network.

Conference Day 2, March 26, 2025

09:00 - 09:30
Morning Coffee in the Exhibition

09:30 - 10:00

Tax Technology v2.0: How to Ensure Mirror Visibility

+ The source data revolution as a game changer
+ Challenges and opportunities
+ How to avoid the taxman knowing more about you than you do yourself

Christiaan van der Valk GM Indirect Taxtech & VP Regulatory and Oscar Caicedo VP SAP Integrations, Sovos

10:00 - 10:30

The CIAT Digitalization Classification Matrix: E-Invoicing Models and Implementations – Cultural and Conceptual Aspects

The Digitalization Dialogue under CIAT is working on a project around definitions and categorization of E-Invoicing, continuous transaction controls and other forms of digital reporting or e-audit, to create a Digitalization Classification Matrix. The purpose is to allow stakeholders in the field to use a common vocabulary and categorization of regulatory approaches. Based on this normalization, it will become easier to have a conversation about opportunities and challenges towards regulatory harmonization and interoperability.

Vinicius Pimentel de Freitas CTO, Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT)

10:30 - 11:15
Coffee Break and Exhibition

11:15 - 11:45

From UBL to VAT Return Boxes

+ Using EN16931 tax codes
+ Other invoice-line information to manage tax reporting
+ Towards a single input XML for all VAT reporting
+ Challenges ahead and workaround solutions

Pedro Pestana da Silva CEO, Marosa
Watch video message

11:45 - 12:15

Case Study

Jabil’s E-Invoicing Transformation Journey: The Case for Centralization

+ E-Invoicing strategy: The catalyst in moving from localized to centralized approach
+ Product journey: The case for SAP DRC
+ Future migration roadmap & key benefits
+ Lessons learned and future considerations / guidance

Carl Dick Sr. IT Manager Enterprise Solutions Finance and Beth Dianic IT Technical Lead, Jabil

12:15 - 12:45

Country Update Germany

Implementation of Mandatory E-Invoicing in Germany: Challenges and Special Requirements for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

+ Roadmap to mandatory E-Invoicing in B2B in Germany in the context of European models: brief overview of legal framework and current status
+ Gradual expansion of E-Invoicing requirements and legal framework
+ E-Invoicing requirements for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Alternatives for implementation
+ E-Invoicing as a driver of digitization and automation in business processes: concrete application examples

Richard Luthardt Board Member German Chapter, GENA - Global Exchange Network Association and Dr. Jörg Beier VP PO Tax Consultant, DATEV
Watch video message

12:45 - 13:00
Wrap up and outlook
13:00 - 14:30
Lunch Break and Exhibition
End of E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Miami 2025

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