The E-Invoicing Exchange Summit took place in Vienna from September 30 to October 2, 2019. More than 200 international experts, thought leaders and key decision-makers gathered to discuss best practices, new market developments, international solutions, and formed valuable, long-lasting business partnerships.
Topics ranged from legislative changes to new tax reporting requirements up to real time E-Invoicing requirements via government platforms. However, not only governments and corporates, but also solution providers are playing a huge role in driving digital transformation. The use of Blockchain technology as a universal interoperability layer for E-Invoicing and payment is an opportunity, but still a huge challenge. Further subjects of debate include the harmonization of different initiatives towards a truly global interoperability framework. All key topics and highlights are available in the “big picture” of E-Invoicing drawn at the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Vienna in 2019 – a compact yet comprehensive graphic recording on
In conclusion, it is not the end of the E-Invoicing journey yet. The expansion to South-East Asia with Singapore’s launch of its national E-Invoicing network will open new horizons. For this reason, the next E-Invoicing Exchange Summit will take place Singapore, the very first PEPPOL authority outside of Europe, from November 5 to 6, 2019.
18:00 - 21:00 Registration & Icebreaker Reception
↓ Day 2 ↓ Workshop A ↓ Workshop B
08:00 Registration, Welcome Coffee and Opening of Exhibition
09:00 Opening of the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit
09:05 - 09:50
The Global E-Invoicing Journey 2019-2025
Bruno Koch, Market Analyst, Billentis, Switzerland
The E-Invoicing Journey 2019-2025
09:50 - 10:30 Networking Break and Exhibition
10:30 - 11:10
Stream A
From Diverse Legislative Changes To New Reporting Requirements Up To Real Time Electronic Invoicing Requirements Via Government Platforms
Businesses operating globally are facing unprecedented complex & changing reporting and compliance requirements. During this session, further insight will be provided on the developments on a global scale, including but not limited to ongoing and upcoming government activities that will impact every single market participant.
Learn what is happening in Europe, US, Middle East, LATAM and Asia, and
• How it will affect you and how you are doing business
• How to integrate these requirements in your electronic invoicing process and your wider P2P, O2C or R2R business processes
• How to ensure the compliance of your end-to-end processes via (emerging) technologies or business controls
• How your electronic invoicing process ties in with your wider digital transformation initiatives (e.g. digital expense management, digital contracting, ...)
Christoph Zenner, Partner and Ellen Cortvriend, Director, PwC, Belgium
Jean-Yves Jacquelin, Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG, Austria and Chairman of the EPC Scheme Evolution&Maintenance working group, Co-Chair of the EPC Scheme end user Forum, the EPC Scheme technical Forum and of the Multi Stakeholder Group on Request to Pay
Antony Walker and Deborah Carder, Airbus Procurement Head of Supply Chain Collaboration Digital Solutions and Marc Delbes, Airbus IM HO Supply Chain Plan & Procurement, AIRBUS, France
11:15 - 11:55
Stream A
Amid Global Compliance Chaos, What Best Practices Could Help Reconcile Business and Governments Objectives?
Tax administrations everywhere are now mandating Continuous Transaction Controls (CTCs) to close tax gaps. This had proven a maybe boost for Finance Ministers, but diversity of policy approaches is becoming a genuine threat to commerce and trade. Work is ongoing to factor in the need for tax controls to also create wealth and jobs - because modern technology provides a historically unique opportunity to reconcile the objectives of Finance and Economy Ministries. Practically, how does this work for the main stakeholders?
Christiaan van der Valk, Vice President Strategy, Sovos, United Kingdom
Stream B
Blockchain As A Universal Interoperability Layer For E-Invoicing And Payments Stakeholders
Learn how technology opens a wide range of new possibilities for invoicing and payments professionals while providing a global framework for:
Christophe Fonteneau, Head of Strategic Partnerships at Request Network Fondation, Member of EPC Multi Stakeholder Group on Request to Pay, Switzerland
Stream C
How To Manage Complex Invoicing Processes Within Multinational Businesses
Learn from one of the largest retailers in Austria how to successfully implement electronic invoicing, how to get employees and partners on board and how to deal with legal compliance issues. Get firsthand practical insights into how one of Austria’s largest retail chains managed the complexity of its international invoicing infrastructure, invoice verification, partner onboarding, archiving, and legal compliance.
Daniel Schuster, Head of e-purchasing/B2B projects, SPAR Österreichische Warenhandels-AG, Austria
11:55 - 13:30 Lunch Break and Exhibition
13:30 - 14:10
Stream A
Benefits Of Currently Implemented E-Invoicing And E-Reporting - A Vision And Strategy On Digitalization Of Indirect Tax Compliance Processes In The EU
Luc Dhont, CFO Circle Specialist – iTx COE Europe, P&G, Belgium and EU VAT Expert Group towards the European Commisision
Stream B
How E-Receipts Help Tax Reporting And Prevent Black Economy
Pirjo Ilola, Senior Finance Administration Specialist, State Treasury and Finnish Representative at EU Multistakeholder Forum on E-Invoicing, Finland
Stream C
E-Invoice As A Digital Marketplace - A Case Study In The Door-To-Door Sector
Enrico Liverani, Co-founder and Chief Account Management & Consulting Officer, Digital Technologies, Italy
14:15 - 14:55
Stream A
PEPPOL as a Global Network Enabling Business transactions
André Hoddevik, Secretary General, OpenPEPPOL AISBL, Belgium
Stream B
Bringing Selling, Underwriting, Invoicing And Payment Into One Seamless Experience – An Axa Experience
Matthias Ehlebracht, Head In-/Exkasso, Axa Versicherungen AG and Dennis Flad, Managing Director, Prospire AG, Switzerland
Stream C
User Case Study: E-Invoicing And P2P In SAP and Global E-Invoicing Services
Barbara Hiebl, Product Owner P2P, Wienerberger AG, Austria
14:55 - 15:30 Networking Break and Exhibition
15:30 - 16:00
Discuss the most pressing business-relevant topics with your peers and gain valueable information
I. Being compliant for E-Invoicing mandates is good, staying compliant even better. What are the challenges?
Martin Lin, Global Digital Compliance Customer Engagement Lead, SAP Globalization Services, USA
II. Update from working group "Global Interoperability Framework"
Tim Cole, Causeway Technologies and Chair of Interoperability, EESPA and Chris Welsh, OFS Portal, Chair Global Interoperability Framework Workgroup
III. How to set up reliable and valid audit trails
Please contact me in advance via email if you have any specific requirements.
Lucien Gimenez, Expert in Audit and E-Invoicing, France
IV. The Public Administration towards Contract-to-Payment Full Digitization, Fabio Massimi, AGID - Agenzia per l'Italia digitale, Italy
16:05 - 17:00
What Should Be The Next Steps For Truly Global Interoperability?
This session brings together a panel of thought leaders to discuss how to build on the various successful regional and national initiatives and models for interoperability to create a truly global approach.
Todd Albers, Sr. Payments Consultant Payments, Standards and Outreach Group, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, USA
André Hoddevik, OpenPEPPOL AISBL, Belgium
Vinicius Pimentel de Freitas, ENCAT Deputy Technical Coordinator, Brazil and International E-Invoicing Coordination, CIAT, Panama
Cyrille Sautereau, Chair of the French National Forum of E-Invoicing, France
Klaus Förderer, Senior Manager eBusiness/GDSN, GS1, Germany
Moderator: Charles Bryant, Secretary General EESPA, Belgium
17:00 - 18:00 Individual Meetings and Networking
18:00 - 22:00 Networking Dinner Event
↑ Day 1 ↓ Workshop A ↓ Workshop B
08:30 Morning Coffee in the Exhibition
09:15 - 09:55
9 Months Of E-Invoicing Mandate In Italy
What are the official statistics and the lessons learnt. What adjustments have been made and what are the next steps?
Salvatore Stanziale, The Ministry of Economy and Finance and and Mario Carmelo Piancaldini, Revenue Agency, Italy
09:55 - 10:30 Networking Break and Exhibition
10:30 - 11:10
Stream A
XRechnung - The CIUS For The German Public Sector
Dr. Lars Rölker-Denker, Standardisation Officer, Coordination Office for IT-Standards (KoSIT), Germany
Stream B
How Electronic Invoicing Can Support Supply Chain Finance: Market Practices In Supply Chain Finance
Supply chain finance is one of the fastest growing trade products, However, financial institutions often don’t use similar terminology or accounting techniques. The Global Supply Chain Finance Forum - comprised of Bankers Association for Finance & Trade (BAFT), Euro Banking Association (EBA), Factors Chain International (FCI), International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), and International Trade and Forfaiting Association (ITFA) intends to provide clarity and consistency to the world of supply chain finance and supports an industry-wide, uniform adoption of the receivable discounting technique. When all parties use similar techniques and terminology, it makes for a more streamlined and efficient process that can also be supported by electronic invoicing processes.
Christian Hausherr, Chair of the Global Supply Chain Finance Forum
Stream C
E-Invoicing As Door Opener To Become A Data Sharing Organisation?
With the digitisation of the procure-to-pay process mindsets are shifting from siloed thinking towards doing business in ecosystems. In a world where everything is a transaction, organisations need to think of their role in the data economy. E-Invoicing can be seen as a good example of how sharing data can create real business value. So what can we learn from E-Invoicing? And how can E-Invoicing help your organisation to reach a new level of thinking about how to create even more value from sharing data?
Mariane ter Veen, Director, Lead Data Sharing, INNOPAY, The Netherlands
11:15 - 11:55
Stream A
Singapore’s Launch Of The National E-Invoicing Network
Geok Seong Wah, Director E-Invoice Project Office, IMDA, Government of Singapore
Stream B
Show Me The Money!
Learn about the key actions organisations can take to drive greater income, improved efficiency and higher CSR from their spend, and all at no cost! This session promises to be energetic, full of real life stories & insights and packed with tangible actions to take away.
Anthony Persse, Financial Solutions Director, Proactis, United Kingdom
Stream C
E-Invoicing, E-Factoring And Blockchain Are Coming To Africa - The Kenyan Project
Juan Miguel Tirado, CMO, Gosocket, Chile
11:55 - 13:30 Lunch Break and Exhibition
13:30 - 14:10
Stream A
Beyond E-Invoicing – Digitizing the Procurement Process
A close look at the Danish case of mandating the use of E-Orders and E-Catalogues in Public Procurement
Nihad Hodzic, Project Manager, Danish Business Authority, Denmark
Stream B
E-Invoicing in Germany´s Top 700 Companies – Leading Industries and Common Challenges
Mirjana Stanisic-Petrovic, Deputy Director of the "Document and Workflow Management", Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO, Germany and Paula Müller, Consultant ECM/EDI, Comarch AG, Germany
Stream C
Update on Standards and Insights into new Activities on CIUS and Registry Services
Andrea Caccia, CEN/TC 434 on Electronic Invoicing and CEN/CENELEC focus group on Blockchains and DLT, Italy
14:15 - 14:35
What´s Next on the EC´s Agenda Regarding E-Invoicing and E-Procurement?
David Blanchard, Head of Unit (Acting), Unit G4 - Innovative and E-Procurement, DG GROW, European Commission, Belgium
Interview led by: Charles Bryant, Secretary General EESPA, Belgium
14:35 - 15:05
Opportunities, Challenges And Implications For The E-Invoicing Industry
Tim Cole, Causeway Technologies, UK
Gary Benson, Tungsten Network, UK
and other to be nominated
Moderator: Marcus Laube, Co-Chair, EESPA, Belgium
15:05 Networking Break and Exhibition
Delegates of the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit are invited to attend this seminar free of charge. It takes place in the late afternoon of conference day 2 (Oct. 1) from 15:30 - 17:00. Please indicate your wish to attend in the registration form.
15:30 - 17:30
Invoicing and Procurement Through PEPPOL – What Is the Value?
Extending Interoperability World-Wide using PEPPOL
17:30 Closing of Conference and Exhibition
09:00 - 16:00
Christian Vindinge Rasmussen is currently working as a senior Business Development Manager at e-Boks A/S. Since 2009 he has been advising the European Commission on digitisation projects and strategy, including Horizon2020 and Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), by acting as Digital ambassador for the developed ICT components funded by EU. Christian has a vast experience in working with governments, private sector, consulting and research/development in Denmark, Norway and Belgium. He was work package leader in both the PEPPOL and eSENS Large Scale Pilots, as well as one of the founding fathers of OpenPEPPOL on behalf of the Danish Government.
Martin Forsberg works as an expert in the area of electronic business, customs and financial processes as a consultant for the Swedish consultancy Ecru. Martin is also working with the CEF E-Invoicing team as a trainer and implementation workshop leader together with Christian since 2017. Martin was involved in the technical and architectural work within the PEPPOL and eSENS Large Scale Pilots - co-funded by the European Commission. He is active in standardization committees such as CEN TC434 and OASIS UBL, and is one of Europe´s leading experts in validation and semantical rules of the standards.
The European Parliament and Council adopted Directive 2014/55/EU, establishing the European standard. The recent publication of the European Standard on E-Invoicing in the Official Journal of the European Union marks the beginning of the implementation phase of the standard. The Directive mandates an 18-month implementation period after the publication of the standard, with 18 April 2019 fixed as the deadline for this.
To support this implementation effort the European Commission together with EC's Directory Generals DG GROW and DG DIGIT offers a number of supporting tools and training modules to the Member States and for both the public and the private actors within E-Invoicing. For the first time this service is now offered to the participants of the Exchange Summit to reach a wider audience within the E-Invoicing domain, and share the experience from the first movers and early implementers of the European standard for electronic invoicing.
During the workshop you will be able to hear first hand from some of Europe´s leading E-Invoicing experts on the current state of play, engage with and ask questions directly to the European Commission on topics like implementation roadmaps, best practice for handling of invoices, get first hand knowledge on the latest development in each country and much more. There will be made time for discussions during each segment of the workshop.
Introduction to CEF, their tools and supporting service
Methods for exchange electronic invoices
Ways of implementing the EN
Taking E-Invoicing to the next level
09:00 - 16:00
The impact of the Purchase-to-Pay (P2P) process is significant to global organizations of all sizes. The P2P process is no longer viewed as a “back-office” function but one of tremendous value providing opportunities for strategic sourcing, automation, improved controls, and business partnerships which can greatly reduce risk and improve working capital. The P2P process is evolving from a series of isolated functions to a single process in which purchasing and accounts payable processes are automated. The P2P process can provide analytical functions, visibility to cash flow that adds new value to the organization. This evolution aligns with the needs and goals of organizations to reduce costs and realize productivity increases and supports the direction of a “digital transformation.”
Christine Doxey, President, Doxey Inc., USA
Chris is an author, speaker and management consultant that is passionate about improving financial process. She focuses on internal controls, automation and process transformation. Chris has extensive experience with trade directories, Procure-to-Pay (P2P) analytics, and self-audit tools.
Todd Albers, Sr. Payments Consultant Payments, Standards and Outreach Group, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, USA
Globalization’s Impact on the P2P Process: Globalization has been a double edge sword - opening up new opportunities for businesses, while at the same time making the P2P process exponentially more complex. Learn how a digitally transformed P2P process can be a corporate competitive advantage.
Drivers for Change: What are the drivers for change to move the P2P process to a single automated solution? As any procurement or finance professional knows the challenges and pain points across the process are daunting but can be grouped into three main categories: 1) manual processes, 2) complexity, and 3) the compliance and controls required by globalization. Learn how a digitally transformed process can tackle these challenges.
P2P Process Complexity: The complexity is caused by isolated and siloed solutions and impacts the P2P process in two ways: 1) there is a lack of data integrity; and 2) processes can be overly complex, costly and redundant. Learn how digitization can alleviate your P2P process challenges in a dynamic and open discussion workshop
Answer Your Key Questions on Digital Transformation: The facilitators of this workshop will take a detailed look at the definitions, technological trends and case studies for a digital P2P transformation.
Implementing Your Digital Transformation: The business case for transforming P2P is compelling. Through process standardization, workflow automation, system integration, and rigorous compliance enforcement, companies have been able to achieve rapid and significant spend and operating cost savings while simultaneously gaining the ability to better manage risk. Obtain a unique roadmap and recommended project plans that will assist you with your P2P transformation.
Welcome and Introductions
What is P2P Digitization?
How does P2P Digitization Optimize Operational Value?
How do we define the P2P Process?
Looking at Key Procurement Trends
Where does a Digitized P2P Process Provide Value? (Digging Deeper)
Transforming the P2P Process – Moving From Operational to Strategic
How to Achieve Excellence with a Digitized P2P Process
Your Scorecard for Measuring P2P Success
Open Discussion, Conclusions and Closure on Key Points
A shared vision and a common goal to achieve a digital P2P transformation describes a common procurement to payment direction for both the purchasing and accounts payable. Examples of this common direction includes E-Invoicing to help accounts payable reduce costs, charge-backs to suppliers for invoices not properly submitted to expedite accounts payable processing, joint responsibility for cash discount capture to ensure cash optimization, and the implementation of scorecards which incorporate supplier ratings for the quality of invoices submitted.
Learn more about the benefits of a partnership with the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit here.
EESPA is the European E-Invoicing Service Providers Association. It is an International Not-for-Profit Association (AISBL/IVZW) organised under Belgian law. EESPA acts as a trade association at European level for a large and vibrant community of E-Invoicing Service Providers, drawn from organisations that provide network, business outsourcing, financial, technology and EDI services. Formed in 2011 EESPA already has over 50 full and associate members.
Comarch is a technological company that has been engaged in the optimisation of business processes for 22 years. The company’s portfolio includes systems for electronic data interchange (EDI). Comarch EDI is a B2B platform, which provides a competitive advantage by a fast and secure data exchange with business partners. The solution provides the automation of data processing throughout the supply chain: from the procurement process, through the logistics, to invoicing and payment processing. Comarch EDI enables savings to be made and compliance with legal and ecological requirements. Among the clients who have trusted Comarch are the largest retail chains (e.g. Metro Group, Tesco, Carrefour, Leroy Merlin), FMCG companies (e.g. BIC, Johnson & Johnson, L’Oreal, Unilever), pharmaceutical companies (e.g. GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi) and the representatives of other key market sectors.
Digital Technologies is a young and dynamic company that has more than 70 people in its various locations in Milan, Genoa, Piacenza, Madrid and Shanghai. Our vision is to become the digital intelligence that manages deconstructed elements, organizing them in new industrial ecosystem. Our mission is to build solutions and digital platforms able to innovate, computerize and digitalize processes while increasing their value and making them more competitive. Digital Technologies act as a Solution Provider in different sectors (luxury & fashion, healthcare, retail, banking & insurance, automotive, food and oil & gas) with various solutions as: e-invoicing, EDI, digital supply chain, workflow collaboration, orders management system, digital signature, internet of things, blockchain, artificial intelligence and augmented reality.
ecosio is a leading provider of B2B integration, specialising in EDI, Supplier Relationship Management and e-Invoicing. Through intelligent technologies ecosio accelerates B2B business processes, allowing companies to focus on what matters. ecosio’s cloud-based managed services score highly, with outstanding usability, hassle-free onboarding and continuous monitoring. International clients such as MIGROS, HILTI, FUBA Automotive Electronics and HORSCH already place their trust in ecosio.
EDITEL is an internationally leading provider of EDI solutions (Electronic Data Interchange) that specializes in the optimization of B2B supply chain processes. The company serves clients in many different business sectors and industries. Via the EDI service eXite®, EDITEL offers a comprehensive portfolio of services, ranging from EDI Communication and EDI Integration, Web EDI for SMEs, myriad e-Invoice solutions as well as Digital Archiving and Business Monitoring. EDITEL supports clients all over Europe with local support from the first consultancy until final go live. Our successful EDI projects are backed by 30 years’ experience and in-depth expertise.
Gosocket is a B2b network that establishes and manages relationships between buyers and suppliers through the use of compliant electronic invoicing in Latin America. From this connections provides value added services with a focus in supply chain finance. Founded in 2012, connects with more that 500 million electronic invoices over 1 million companies throughout Latin America. Access is via a web portal, which can also be accessed through mobile devices either by their mobile web version or through native applications for your smartphone or tablet iOS, Android, Windows Phone or Windows 10.
As a worldwide and state-of-the-art EDI Managed Service Provider, INPOSIA applies its services across all branches and processes. Complex Just-in-Time delivery processes as well as business-critical finance transactions - all business and trading partners can be integrated sustainable and competently along the supply chain of the customers by INPOSIA’s portfolio. INPOSIA grows nationally as well as internationally, due to economic durable and profound business relations. With regard to the enormous importance of data security, INPOSIA carries out its services in highly secure, certified data processing service centres, located internationally and chosen by customer requirements.
OpenPEPPOL is a non-profit international association responsible for the governance and maintenance of the PEPPOL specifications that enable European businesses to easily deal electronically with any European public sector buyer in their procurement processes. PEPPOL is not an eProcurement platform but instead provides a set of technical specifications that can be implemented in existing eProcurement solutions and services to make them interoperable across Europe.
Resulting of the merger with Hubwoo and Perfect Commerce, Proactis, the global spend management and B2B eCommerce company, offers a comprehensive suite of technology solutions and expert services organised into three key brand areas:
ReThink Spend: an integrated suite of spend management solutions that streamline every aspect of buying and paying for all types of goods and services, while eliminating risk.
ReThink Sales: integrated digital marketing, selling and invoicing solutions that streamline the entire B2B sales process.
The Business Network: a global eCommerce network that makes all forms of interaction and commerce faster, easier and more cost effective.
Proactis supports a significant customer base in all of the major industry segments of the global market – UK, North America, Continental Europe – working with over 1,000 enterprises, over 2 million suppliers, transacting over $100b in spend in over 100 countries.
PwC's Global e-Invoicing and e-Archiving Network brings together process, technology, tax, legal and accounting experts making your e-Invoicing business case reality! For over 15 years now, PwC has been at the forefront of e-Invoicing and e-Archiving. PwC has laid down the cornerstones for both the first and second e-Invoicing Directive, is helping the European Commission with the implementation of the e-PRIOR project, and is involved in several e-Invoicing fora.
REQUEST is a framework that enables E-Invoicing systems to create, exchange and process request for payments through a global network. Being interconnected with both Invoicing professionals ( invoicing firms, accounting firms, ERPs) and Payment industry actors, REQUEST bridges traditional invoices with payment flow informations. REQUEST is built using blockchain technology, enabling E-invoices to become “Smart Objects “ . This opens a wide range of new automation possibilities for invoicing, tax collection, accounting, payment and reconciliation activities
Compatible with existing initiatives and national requirements, the network is truly international .It unlocks the interoperability of country national standards while remaining independent from any government or authority, a decentralized system for a more global economy.
As market leader in enterprise application software, SAP (NYSE: SAP) helps companies of all sizes and industries run better. From back office to boardroom, warehouse to storefront, desktop to mobile device – SAP empowers people and organizations to work together more efficiently and use business insight more effectively to stay ahead of the competition. SAP applications and services enable more than 378,000 business and public sector customers to operate profitably, adapt continuously, and grow sustainably.
SEEBURGER AG is a global provider of business integration solutions that streamline business processes, enable digital transformation and business initiatives, reduce operational costs, facilitate governance and compliance, and provide end-to-end visibility to the farthest edges of the supply chain to maximise ERP effectiveness and drive new efficiencies. Customers can choose between a Cloud Service, an on-premises installation or a hybrid business integration solution. With 30 years in the industry, SEEBURGER today is ranked among the top business integration providers by industry analysts and serves thousands of customers in more than 50 countries and 15 industries. Since its foundation in 1986, Bretten has been the company's headquarters. SEEBURGER maintains 11 subsidiaries in Europe,Asia and North America. For more information, visit:
SupplyOn is an IT service provider specializing in intelligent supply chain management solutions for automotive, aerospace, railway and manufacturing – covering all cross-company processes with suppliers, including Supplier Risk & Performance Management, Strategic and Operational Procurement as well as Quality and Transport Management. SupplyOn´s E-Invoicing solution takes an integrated approach: It focuses on the entire process chain and electronically maps not only the invoice but the entire Purchase-to-Pay process. The invoice is clearly linked to the order including all changes in the order process – thus enabling fully automatic booking. SupplyOn´s worldwide business network connects some 65,000 companies, including Airbus Group, BMW Group, Bombardier, BorgWarner, Bosch, Continental, Deutsche Bahn, DEUTZ, Kautex Textron, Liebherr, Oerlikon, Safran, Schaeffler, Schindler, Siemens, Thales and ZF.
Ardent Partners is a research and advisory firm focused on defining and advancing the supply management strategies, processes, and technologies that drive business value and accelerate organizational transformation within the enterprise. Ardent Partners actively covers the supply management solutions (eInvoicing, Procurement, Business Networks, Accounts Payable, Sourcing, Contingent Labor, and Payments) marketplace and produces research to help business decision-makers understand the technology landscape and identify the best-fit solution(s) for their specific needs.
BIT ist das Fachmagazin für Geschäftsprozess- und Outputmanagement und bietet wertvolle Informationen für die Planung, Auswahl und Einführung von Systemen und Lösungen rund um Dokumenten- und Informationsprozesse.
BIT-Leser sind IT-Leiter, Verantwortliche für Prozess-Management, Leiter von Fachabteilungen mit hohem Dokumentendurchsatz, Einkäufer von Hard- und Software.
CIO Applications Europe has fast culminated into the most sought after magazine Pan-Europe as it has transformed its course hand-in-hand with the technology and has culminated into a leading media brand, with a unique editorial focus on bringing to light the core innovations in technology.CIO Applications Europe magazine stands out with its unique approach of learning from peers approach offering professionals the most comprehensive collection of technology trends. The magazine is the single most successful initiative Pan-Europe to advice and guide decision-makers regarding the latest in the fast-evolving technology landscape. We are determined to propose a myriad of additional services that can improve businesses and help customers deal with issues related to this industry.
EDIZone is an information portal that brings news from the world of digitization of business and logistics processes. It has been in operation since 2004 and it sends to 10,000 subscribers every month.
PPN is a not for pro¬fit organisation founded in 2008 to form a focal point for the purchase to pay community. Since then it has been successful in providing leading P2P professionals with a sharp insight into the latest news and up-to-date information on key processes and technologies. Today, PPN attracts over 14,000 readers to download white papers, discover how and why other organisations may do things differently, attend insightful webinars, add their voice to surveys, and to successfully benchmark themselves against others. In short, in just a few years, PPN has established itself ¬firmly at the heart of the P2P business community. - Portal zur Förderung elektronischer Rechnungs- und Geschäftsprozesse - thematisiert die Potenziale eines medienbruchfreien, elektronischen Rechnungsaustauschs sowie den Weg zur Erschließung dieser Potenziale. Das Rechnungsdatenformat ZUGFeRD ist eines der Schwerpunktthemen von Umfassende ZUGFeRD-Anbieter-Übersichten geben dem Anwender Orientierung.
World of Open Account (WOA) is a digital start-up, initiated by experts from the receivables finance industry. Its ambition is to become rapidly the global competence and networking centre for the broad open account finance ecosystem, based on peer-to-peer collaboration. WOA’s digital platform is the “home of receivables finance”. It includes a dynamic search tool to find the right business partners, a wide knowledge centre built around 12 Learning Labs developed by experts from the community and a forum that allows members to “mine” knowledge and insights. Benefit from our partnership with the Exchange Summit and save EUR 250 by registering with a membership ticket for the WOA Community Convention. Don´t forget to mention „Partner of Exchange Summit“ in the field special requirements!
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