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Service/Solution Provider

  • Germany
  • Company size: 1'001-5'000 employees
  • Geographical reach: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America

Company Profile

Purpose-built AI that puts your information to work. - We use innovative AI models to transform any document from any source to any process. It’s purpose-built so you can work smarter. Discover how ABBYY AI accelerates your digital initiatives.

>>Intelligent document processing
ABBYY Vantage is our low-code AI document processing platform. It's a pre-trained solution that reads and extracts data from your documents in seconds. It provides 90%+ recognition accuracy right out of the box for every type of document, from invoices to identity documents.

>>Process intelligence
ABBYY Timeline is our cloud platform for process mining, task mining, and simulation. It's built to support planning and process optimization. By harnessing the data in your business processes, you’ll get actionable insights for decision making and automation investments. Discover ABBYY Timeline

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